Why Jesus Therapy “Seven”?

The Jesus Therapy Seven exists to reconcile men to God through Jesus, His Son. By drawing inspiration from the Word of God, every newsletter exhorts believers to seek a deeper walk with the Lord.

Since ungodliness abounds in these last days, this newsletter warns against slippery slopes that appear wise and workable, but are biblically false and detrimental to our Christian walk with God.

Seven is the number of completeness. The Jesus Therapy Seven Newsletter reminds us that we’re complete in Christ (Col. 2:10). In all our searching and longing for more, Jesus still models the path that we must follow.

In the end, Jesus the only therapy that can save our souls. I pray our conviction in Jesus deepens and our hearts are enlarged to seek to do His will above all else. Amen.

Why subscribe?

  • If you’re seeking the truth with all your heart

  • For exhortation to get deeper with the Lord

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Publication: I send out newsletters every Wednesday, God-willing.

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Subscribe to Jesus Therapy Seven

A personal development newsletter for the exhortation of believers in Christ Jesus.


A not-so-little girl whom Jesus redeemed to follow Him till the end.